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IES Knowledge Base: Payroll Type 03, Agri Flex






A few concepts need to be understood before setting up our first Agri Flex Payroll


How Agri Flex may co-exist with other Payrolls: -
Activating our Payroll choice
Agri Flex will allow multiple Payrolls
Pay runs are controlled from the Payroll master: -
How to manage Pay runs
Employees will subscribe to a Status type for payment: -
Employee Status types
A few settings are required before using the Payroll: -
Pay groups
Harvest Premi parameters
How Harvest Premi works
Tax Table
Other Payroll settings

Pay Codes

All Earnings and Deductions are derived via Pay Codes: -
996 Working Allowance
995 Pay as you work
994 Basic Monthly pay
993 Fixed Premi, Daily
992 Natura
991 Allowance Other
990 Overtime and Premi
989 Jamsostek Earning
988 Tax Allowance (refund)
987 Medical Allowance
986 Other Earning, taxable
985 Other Earning, not taxable
984 Basic, Daily
983 Bonus
950 Tax Deduction
949 Allowance Cost Deduction
948 Jamsostek Deduction
947 Other Deduction pre-tax
946 Other Deduction after tax

Menu Access

How to control Menu access for Agri Flex
Access control

Employee Pay records

New Payee
Maintain Payee
Employee Pay result

Integration with Physicals

"Pay as you work" is based on Budgets for Work Results
Work Results, Budgets and Man Journals


Print Payslips
Other Reports